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About Us

Introduction Our Campus

A good education is a foundation for a better future

The students of The IRA International Schools are encouraged to develop the habits of mind through joyful learning experiences. To that end, school offers a broad, rich and challenging curriculum. Academic offerings build on the strength of traditional disciplines, yet, integrate easily with a broad exposure to the liberal arts like theatre, dance, drama, singing, art & craft, designing, multimedia, sports activities and selective opportunities to pursue individual interests through innovative programmes and club activities.

Here at IRA International Schools, every effort is made to provide challenging classroom experiences designed to encourage curiosity, self-expression, joy, and aesthetic sensibility. Our classes are small and facilitators encourage individual students to participate actively in discussions, to collaborate creatively to solve problems, to communicate their ideas effectively, and to learn from each other.

Our Mission

To create a society of progressive, thinking life-long learners who strive to embody the spirit of innovation, active collaboration and international mindedness in the pursuit of knowledge.

Our Vision

IRA International School (Vision-Mission) is committed:

  • To provide our student community the finest quality, holistic education that meets global qualitative standards in learning and teaching in, across and beyond disciplines in the sciences, commerce, and arts.
  • To inspire in children the love of learning and the joy of discovery; thereby empowering them to innovate and become life-long learners.
  • To nurture the uniqueness and individuality of learners while encouraging them to seek out and appreciate diverse perspectives, beliefs, and cultures of people across the world and in so doing develop international mindedness.
  • To empower our learning community to collaborate and strive in translating their learning into effective action, thereby promoting progressive thinking and global harmony.

Why Choose Us ?

Your child deserves international education, global pedagogy, learned teachers and high-spirited learning environment for a brighter future. Insight Offers international exposure at local cost!.

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